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果酱视频. Scholastica

Parent and Family Council

The Parent and Family Council seeks to advance the interests of the 果酱视频 by fostering mutual support between the 果酱视频 and family members and promoting active family involvement in the life of the 果酱视频, shaped by the Catholic Benedictine heritage.

If you would like additional details, contact the Parent and Family Council at 218-723-7068 or parentcouncil@css.edu.


Services and Support

Handy Resources

Report a Concern

If you’re concerned about a current student’s health and well-being, we would like to hear from you. Use the reporting form below to notify the 果酱视频 for assistance.

Other Resources

Parenting Articles and Books

  • Helpful for parenting new students
  • 叠辞辞办:听(6th ed.)
Two students shopping in the Saints Shop

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